
Elsen Academy was founded on the belief that every child should be given the opportunity to learn and to reach their full potential. Learners who come to Elsen all have individual needs which must be addressed by suitably trained specialists. Through a range of onsite interventions (registered counsellors, remedial therapists, speech therapists etc.), we help our learners to overcome their barriers and promote them to their next level of development. At Elsen Academy, we work towards a common goal, that is to help our learners to reach their full potential. As an independent NPO, we cater for those learners who have special needs, but limitless opportunities. We believe there are No Limits to Learning.

Enrolment Inquiry

Thank you for inquiring about the ‘Elsen Experience’. Please complete the form below and our team will get back to you with a date and time for your guided on-site tour.

Contact us Today

Elsen Academy welcomes you to set up a tour of our school and facilities and arrange a time with our experienced educators and staff that help you to make the right choice for your child's future

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We understand your quest for answers and seeking reassurance that all is well.

Helpful Resources and Articles

At Elsen, we appreciate your child’s differences and abilities, we shape and mold them into something truly beautiful – making your child feel perfect in every way. Need some advice from our experienced teachers? Follow our blog for the latest helpful tips and articles

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