Learner Support


An individualised plan for each learner, tailor-making their support which can include, but is not limited to:

  • Classroom accommodations and management
  • Concessions
  • High level remediation-style teaching
  • Remedial Therapy
  • Speech and Language Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Emotional Support with Registered Counsellors


Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) works with all the HODs, teachers and parents to make sure the learners have effective support strategies in place throughout their time at Elsen.

We have programmes in various phases for the learners/ classes that need i.e. Occupational Therapy groups, Emotional support classroom groups, an in-house therapy team to assist teachers with learner’s emotional needs.

We work with various therapy practices, who come to Elsen during the school day to hold their sessions with our learners. In this way, most of our learners’ therapies are done by the end of the school day; allowing learners to take part in after school sports and complete their homework at a reasonable time.

We also implement concessions for learners during their test and exam times to maximise their academic development, equalise opportunities and enable them to give a true reflection of their knowledge and skills. The concessions can be, but are not limited to, scribes, readers, small venues, and extra time.

As we have small classes, our teachers are able to have a very effective remedial way of teaching. We teach the CAPS curriculum but in such a way that learners are able to work at their own pace and get the maximum output from what they have learnt.

We have two qualified Registered Counsellors that provide emotional support to our learners.

As it is said, “It takes a village to raise a child” and here at Elsen this is a philosophy we live by every day.

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