
The 8 pieces of the learning puzzle – part 2 How can parents help.

We need to be aware of the skills that must be mastered that may influence student’s success and if the skills are not being learnt, we need to investigate why. Thinking with Numbers   If a child does not develop a concept of number or an understanding of number values and quantity, there’s a number blindness

The 8 pieces of the learning puzzle – part 2 How can parents help. Read More »

Creating “Educational Outliers” out of Covid19 (part 2)

IT TAKES A VILLAGE…In my previous blog post, “Creating ‘Educational Outliers’ out of Covid19 (part 1), I discussed the issues that Covid19 has created with regards to schooling, back to schooling or unschooling and homeschooling. I briefly mentioned Malcolm Gladwell’s book “Outliers” and I questioned whether the pandemic is going to force us to re-think

Creating “Educational Outliers” out of Covid19 (part 2) Read More »

Creating “Educational Outliers” out of Covid19 (part 1)

IT TAKES A VILLAGE…In my previous blog, “How to survive homeschooling” I mentioned 7 ways to survive the crisis-schooling situation where parents literally became teachers overnight, turning their homes into classrooms and often having to work and attend their own meetings while still being the parent/teacher. Back to school…or maybe notSlowly but surely, schools are

Creating “Educational Outliers” out of Covid19 (part 1) Read More »

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